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Balsam - BLUE ICE™ Calm Balm 49,5 g (for stive muskler)

På lager: 2


Ingredienser: Sheasmør, Blue Breeze™ kokosolje*, X-Factor™ høyvitamin smørolje fra beitende kyr, bivoks, Blue Ice™ gjæret høyvitamin torskeleverolje, eukalyptusolje, kamfer, tranebærolje, mentol, peppermynteolje, rosmarinolje (* fra ikke-kjemikaliebelastet jordbruk),

Oppbevaring: romtemperatur (produktene lagres likevel på kjøl til de sendes),

Opprinnelsesland: USA,

Emballasje: brun plastboks med plastlokk,

Tysk: Blue Ice Rohe Balsam,

Engelsk: Blue Ice Calm Balm,

Green Pasture

Green Pasture

We are a family owned business started by Dave and Barb Wetzel in 2000.  Our business focus is to provide high-quality sacred-food oils just as they were made prior to the industrialized food and farming revolution.

High-Vitamin Butter Oil is our foundation product that all our work has blossomed through. Dr. Weston Price discovered High-Vitamin Butter Oil back in the 1930's but the pinnacle of his discovery was when he combined Cod Liver Oil with High-Vitamin Butter Oil.

Today we produce the High-Vitamin Butter Oil, and we ferment the historically sacred cod and skate liver oils. Fermenting the livers of fish to extract the oil is an old world practice that may go back as far as biblical times. During the 1850s was the beginning of the industrial food revolution and the first time cod liver oil manufacturing changed from it's historical sacred roots to an industrialized food.

We've turned back the clock and restored these sacred foods to their roots. We Are proud to offer these historical sacred foods prepared with the same great care and concern for our generational health just as our ancestors.

Dr. Price traveled the world studying the traditional diets of many cultures. In every culture he discovered sacred foods that were carefully collected and prepared to ensure the strong mind, body, and spirit of its people.


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